• A Bill for the suppression of the practice was introduced into the British House of Commons in 1802, but was defeated by 13 votes, and it was not till the year 1835 that it was finally put down by Act of Parliament, called the Cruelty to Animals Act 1835
  • The Bulldog shoulders should be muscular, very heavy, widespread and slant outward, giving stability and great power. The elbows should be low and stand well out and loose from the body. The forelegs should be short, very stout, straight and muscular
  • Bulldogs and Terriers were developed in the British Isles. Both breeds became increasingly popular around the start of the 16th century when hunting was a major form of entertainment.
  • The Bullmastiff typically has a powerful build, symmetrical, showing great strength, sound and active. A well socialised animal will be high spirited, alert and faithful.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Wire Fox Terrier and Fox Terrier

with the cooperation of the State of Missouri and the Pet Adoption and Welfare Service (PAWS) in Mis-souri, American Fox Ter-rier Rescue (AFTR) was able to rescue 11 Wire Fox Terriers from a puppy mill whose breeding license was revoked. After much local and long distance planning, 8 volunteers from PAWS successfully liberated 5 female and 6 male Wire Fox Terrier from the puppy mill. Every detail of the rescue was carefully planned to ensure the dogs' and res-cuers' safety and to mini-mize the stress on the dogs. The dogs range in age from 1 to 9 years old. Once they were safely se-cured by PAWS, the dogs were taken for bathing, grooming and deworming.

AFTR is committed to en-suring that any additional medical care is fully funded. The care and transport of these sweet, beautiful Fox Terriers has been expensive and we continue to need your help to fund their way to a new life. Thanks to Dr. Albin and her team at the Spay & Neuter Clinic every Foxie had probably for the first time in their lives full physicals, heartworm testing, fecal and urine analysis, and vaccinations. All but Doug were also spayed or neutered.

The Wire Fox Terrier were temporarily fostered in Missouri at homes chosen by Carol Leech, the board Chair-person of PAWS, without whose help we could never have made this happen. The PAWS foster homes were amazing each with 3-4 dogs and en-sured that the dogs got to those important vet visits and lovingly beginning the transformation from breeding stock to pets.

A big THANK YOU goes out to Carol, Lois, Shellie, Jackie, Bev, Marquise, George and Mona and eve-ryone else from PAWS, as well as the veterinarians who have juggled their schedules to get the Fox Terriers the medical care they need. An equally big THANK YOU goes to the remark able assistance of the Ne-braska Humane Society and their volunteers who provided temporary foster-ing for two Foxies and helped nine of the Mis-souri 11 board three Pet Airways flights to get to their foster homes. All of the Missouri 11 are now in AFTR foster homes in 7 states.

Updates are posted to our website and Facebook page so you can see how your donations are helping the Missouri 11. Thanks to all of you AFTR has saved a lot of dogs over the years. In these difficult economic times, we know that your chari-table donations are more sought after than ever. We hope you are able to open your heart to these won-derful dogs and give them the new lease on the life they so richly deserve. Together, we can give these Foxies the wonder-ful future they deserve!

In early Au-gust 2010, she was sur-rendered to a local shelter with a report that she‘d been recently spayed and was in poor physical condition with a tender abdo-men, prominent hip bones and back-bone, the hair around her eyes so matted and dirty that her corneas were irritated, and severe dental tar-tar and periodontal disease. The shelter con-tacted the vet hospital but they had no re-cord of having spayed Zazu. They vac-cinated and de-wormed her and did a heartworm test, which was thankfully negative. With limited resources to attend to the obvious medical treatment that Zazu needed, the shelter turned to American Fox Terrier Rescue. Our local volunteer went to the shelter on a Sunday and by Mon-day Zazu was at a first rate vet for assessment and treatment.

Blood work, X-rays, and a fe-cal/urine analysis were the first steps to identi-fying underlying medi-cal conditions. While at the vet clinic, an alert vet technician noticed that Zazu was drinking copi-ous amounts of water in a short time. Zazu‘s blood work results were all within normal ranges which ruled out numerous diseases however her X-ray revealed an enlarged spleen and pan-creas and the excessive water intake may have indicated Cushing‘s dis-ease.

Once again Zazu visited the vet with her foster Mom by her side for a day long Cush-ing‘s test. The results came back negative so another ma-jor illness was ruled out. An ultrasound was scheduled to check for any internal organ disease to her liver and pancreas. And so there was another long day at the vet for a very small, sweet tempered dog that many would have over-looked for adoption. Happily, the ultra-sound showed no un-derlying organ disease. Finally, there was one more long day at the vet for a dental cleaning and extrac-tion of a diseased molar.

Throughout her stay at her foster home and medical treatment, Zazu remained a sweet, loving Foxie girl. She gained weight and, with a clean bill of health and shiny clean teeth, was ready for a forever home. Her foster Mom found a wonderful couple who believed that there‘s a little Foxie out there that needs us as much as we need her.‖ Zazu‘s foster Mom sent photos and talked with them several times a week to update them on Zazu‘s pro-gress. Her prospective family donated the funds for Zazu‘s ultra-sound; however, the balance of her medi-cal care expenses are not yet covered.

Reggie is a handsome Smooth Fox Terrier who‘s only 2-4 years old. He is neutered, housetrained, up-to-date on all vaccina-tions, micro-chipped, and knows basic obedience com-mands. He LOVES playing ball and is very people oriented. As active as this young boy is, he‘s also a cham-pion snuggler. Like all Foxies he needs an active family who can give him lots of time and attention. Reggie is located in Seattle, WA. Bopper (Fox Terrier), 3 1/2 years old, is neutered and current on his vaccinations. He was adopted at 9 months of age but his owner recently died of prostate cancer. He seems to be over his grief and has become the happy playful wire we remember. He loves toys and is good with some dogs but not all. He is curious about cats and should be watched around them. He is great with kids 6 years and above. Fox Terrier is available for adoption in AZ only.

Dagmar is a 5 year old Smooth Fox Terrier in need of a forever home. She dances, sits, heels, comes. She loves to cuddle on the sofa and greets her owner with a welcome home dance. She is very good with children and never tires of playing with them. Dagmar is very loving and obedient. She would do best as the only dog in the house. Dagmar is located in NC.

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