• A Bill for the suppression of the practice was introduced into the British House of Commons in 1802, but was defeated by 13 votes, and it was not till the year 1835 that it was finally put down by Act of Parliament, called the Cruelty to Animals Act 1835
  • The Bulldog shoulders should be muscular, very heavy, widespread and slant outward, giving stability and great power. The elbows should be low and stand well out and loose from the body. The forelegs should be short, very stout, straight and muscular
  • Bulldogs and Terriers were developed in the British Isles. Both breeds became increasingly popular around the start of the 16th century when hunting was a major form of entertainment.
  • The Bullmastiff typically has a powerful build, symmetrical, showing great strength, sound and active. A well socialised animal will be high spirited, alert and faithful.
  • Bull Baiting

    A Bill for the suppression of the practice was introduced into the British House of Commons in 1802, but was defeated by 13 votes, and it was not till the year 1835 that it was finally put down by Act of Parliament, called the Cruelty to Animals Act 1835

Friday, February 24, 2012

Kangal Dog History and Breed Standard

Kangal Dog History

The Kangal Dog is an ancient flock-guarding breed, thought to be related to the early mastiff-type dogs depicted in Assyrian art. The breed is named for the Kangal District of Sivas Province in Central Turkey where it probably originated. Although the breed has long been associated with the family of the Aga of Kangal, large landholders and chieftains, the majority are bred by villagers who take great pride in the dogs' ability to guard their flocks of sheep and goats from such traditional predators as the wolf, bear, and jackal. The relative isolation of the Sivas-Kangal region has kept the Kangal Dog free of cross-breeding and has resulted in a natural breed of remarkable uniformity in appearance, disposition, and behaviour. Despite its regional origin, many Turks consider the Kangal Dog as their national dog. Turkish government and academic institutions operate breeding kennels where Kangal Dogs are bred and pedigrees are carefully maintained. The Kangal Dog has even appeared on a Turkish postage stamp.

Kangal Dog History and Breed Standard

Kangal Dog Temperament
The typical Kangal Dog is first and foremost a stock guardian dog and possesses a temperament typical of such dogs; alert, territorial, and defensive of the domestic animals or the human family to which it has bonded. The Kangal Dog has the strength, speed, and courage to intercept and confront threats to the flocks of sheep and goats that it guards both in Turkey and the New World. Kangal Dogs prefer to intimidate predators but will take a physical stand and even attack if necessary. Kangal Dogs have an instinctive wariness of strange dogs but are not typically belligerent toward people. They are somewhat reserved with strangers but loyal and affectionate with family.

The Kangal Dog needs a chance to exercise every day, either with a long walk or brisk run. It can live outside in temperate to cool climates. Coat care is minimal, consisting only of a weekly brushing to remove dead hair.

Kangal Dog Breed Standard
The Kangal Dog or "Kangal", is one of the famous Turkish sheepdog breeds, or coban Kopekleri. Typical
examples come from the Sivas Kangal Region of central Turkey and their breeding is traditionally associated with the Kangal family of the Kangal District. They were probably bred by the sultans of Turkey since at least the seventeenth century and were also known as "samsun dogs".

General Apperance:
It is renowned for its size, courage and mastiff-like appearance. It invariably has a black mask on a massive head (karabash) and short, dense hair ranging in colour from dun to steel grey.

An active working breed used to guard sheep and livestock. Steady and bold without undue aggression, independent, hardy, very trainable. The Kangal Dog possesses the classic livestock guardian dog temperament; a temperament characterised by a calm, alert and independent demeanour. Possessing a natural protective instinct, he is loyal, bold and courageous without showing undue aggression. Moreover the Kangal Dog is sensitive and his responses to individual situations clearly demonstrate his intelligence and sensitivity.

Kangal Dog

Head and Skull:
Large and broad between the ears with moderate stop. Foreface slightly more than 1/3 of total head length. Slightly pendulous black lips. Square profile. Nose black.

Rather small in proportion to the skull, set well apart and deep, somewhat round in shape, showing no haw. Colour from golden to brown. Eye rims black.

Medium sized, triangular in shape, rounded at the tip, flat to the skull and carried pendant.

Lips black. Level or scissor bite.

Slightly arched, powerful and muscular, moderate in length and rather thick. Some dewlap.

Forelegs set well apart, straight and well-boned, of good length with strong pasterns. Elbows close to
sides. Shoulders well-muscled.

Kangal Dog

Chest deep to point of elbow, ribs well-sprung. Body powerful and well-muscled, never fat. Back rather short in proportion to leg length, slight arch over the loins with moderate tuck-up.

Powerful, not as heavy as forequarters. Rear pasterns moderately straight.

Good strong feet with well-arched toes. Nails blunt, grey or black depending on coat colour.

Long bone reaching at least to hock joint. Set on rather high. When relaxed, carried low with slight curl; when alert, carried high with end curled over back.

Relaxed even gait. Noticeable straight line of body, head and neck; alert when walking. Pacing acceptable.

Short and dense with thick undercoat. Slightly longer at neck and shoulders.

The head invariably has a black mask. Body colour ranges from dun to steel grey. A white chest blaze may be present. The Kangal Dog is never white or spotted.

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