• A Bill for the suppression of the practice was introduced into the British House of Commons in 1802, but was defeated by 13 votes, and it was not till the year 1835 that it was finally put down by Act of Parliament, called the Cruelty to Animals Act 1835
  • The Bulldog shoulders should be muscular, very heavy, widespread and slant outward, giving stability and great power. The elbows should be low and stand well out and loose from the body. The forelegs should be short, very stout, straight and muscular
  • Bulldogs and Terriers were developed in the British Isles. Both breeds became increasingly popular around the start of the 16th century when hunting was a major form of entertainment.
  • The Bullmastiff typically has a powerful build, symmetrical, showing great strength, sound and active. A well socialised animal will be high spirited, alert and faithful.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Dogo Argentino Special Information

First of all, The Dogo Argentino has to be a dog that is completely in proportion, a little bit longer than tall. The males will look macho, and the female will look feminine. The head of the Dogo argentino is one of the most typical attributes of the breed. The skull and the face have the same length. The occiput must be masked by the powerful neck muscles. The occiput must be masked by the powerful neck muscles. They have to be dark or hazelnut colored. The expression must be intelligent.

The ears must be well on top of the head, either erect or semi erect, of triangle shape, and must
always be cropped in proportion to the headsize. Some country’s doesn’t allow the ear crop no-more. A nose has to be black pigmented (at least 75 %). 
 Dogo Argentino Weigh 40 to 50 kg, height 60 to 68 centimeters, but of course always in the right proportions. Good muscles in the thighs, with short nails, and closed toes, with no declaws and must have good angulations, always having in mind that they have the need for speed.

Dogo Argentino Character

1.  A magnificent hunter of wild boar and mountain lion.

2. The Dogo has an extremely strong hunting instinct.

3. The Dogo is also a people-oriented dog, who is extremely friendly and outgoing, unless given
reason to be otherwise.

4. His self-confidence makes him very trusting of humans with whom he is patient and

5. While being incredibly obedient and willing to please, he is extremely sensitive to his handler
and cannot tolerate forceful training methods.

6. When properly socialized with children he is tolerant and gentle. He also should be socialized
with other animals at a young age for acceptance.

7. A Dogo Argentino gets easily bored, and when you don’t keep him occupied, or are not giving him the right amount of exercise they will find something to keep them occupied. With our family with 3 young kids and lots of toys, is this always a hard task as many Barbie’s, stuffed animals, pencils etc. have ended up in the garbage.

Health Concerns for the Dogo Argentino

The Dogo Argentino is a young and healthy breed, however like all breeds certain genetic disorders may be of concern.

@. Like most primarily white dogs, the Dogo Argentino can be born partially or completely deaf.

@. Inherited deafness in one or both ears is due to degeneration of sensory inner ear structures
within a few weeks of birth.

@. Deafness occurs in many breeds and is especially common in the Dalmatian.

@. There is a strong association of deafness with increased amounts of white in the coat and blue
eyes in breeds with merle and piebald coat coloring.

@. Deafness can occur in both ears, or just in the one ear.

@. When the dog is deaf in one ear, it’s really difficult to notice this.

Hip Dysplasia:
1. Canine Hip Dysplasia afflicts million of dogs each year and can result in debilitating orthopedic disease of the hip.

2. It is caused when the femoral head does not fit properly in the hip socket, causing instability of the joint.

3. Over time, his malformation can cause Degenerate Joint Disease which causes increased pain
and immobility.

Hip Dysplasia is the most common inherited orthopedic disease in large and giant dog breeds, and also occurs in several medium sized breeds. The disease is inherited with a polygenic mode of inheritance, meaning that multiple genes must be present for the disease to exhibit itself. It is not known however which genes are involved nor how many. Hip Dysplesia occurs bilaterally (in both legs). However, in approximately 7% of the cases, only one hip is affected.

* Lots of white dogs, like a Dogo Argentino, Bullterrier, Mini Bull terrier, white Boxer, are
vulnerable for Demodectic, or Demodex, or Demodectic Mange.

* This can happen in a time that the puppy’s are teething, and also when a young female is
coming into her first heat.

* Physiological stress is a important factor determining the degree of severity of demodectic

* The younger the dog, the better the chance of cure.

* In many cases of adult-onset demodicosis, the disease is controlled by dips and baths but a cure is not always possible.

Demodectic is caused by a microscopic mite called Demodex canis. For some reason (teething, heat) in every case condition change in certain dogs will allow demodex mites to gain the “upper hand” and cause serious skin disease. Mites live inside hair follicles. If you don’t treat it, it will causes permanent bald spots on the skin. Mites are a normal resident of dog skin; it is only in some individual dogs that Mites cause problems. If you think your dog has demodectic, just ask your vet to take a skin scrape and put in under the microscope, this is the only way you can tell, if there are any mites. And if so start the treatment as soon as possible.

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