• A Bill for the suppression of the practice was introduced into the British House of Commons in 1802, but was defeated by 13 votes, and it was not till the year 1835 that it was finally put down by Act of Parliament, called the Cruelty to Animals Act 1835
  • The Bulldog shoulders should be muscular, very heavy, widespread and slant outward, giving stability and great power. The elbows should be low and stand well out and loose from the body. The forelegs should be short, very stout, straight and muscular
  • Bulldogs and Terriers were developed in the British Isles. Both breeds became increasingly popular around the start of the 16th century when hunting was a major form of entertainment.
  • The Bullmastiff typically has a powerful build, symmetrical, showing great strength, sound and active. A well socialised animal will be high spirited, alert and faithful.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Chinese Shar-Pei Personality Tips and Review

The Chinese Shar-Pei is a guard dog. They are a very loyal dog and an excellent family dog. They are sweet and loving dogs, but because of the natural character of the dog, they are usually very stand-offish when first introduced. There is a misconception about the character of the dog. Some of the early Shar-Pei from the 1970’s did have a nasty temperament, but breeders have worked very hard to breed that out. It would be a very rare exception to find a Shar-Pei now with a bad temperament. However, their basis instinct is to guard the family. As with any of the guard dog breeds, it is important to always approach a Shar-Pei from the front so that they can see you approaching. Approaching the dog from the front is always the best way to come up to the dog. There are several reasons for this.

1. You always want to be sure that the dogs sees you coming.
2. Because of the wrinkling by the Shar-Pei’s eyes, it is possible that their side vision is blocked by the skin folds.
3. Some of the older dogs may have ear infections or can be hard of hearing, and cannot hear you approaching, so it is important that they can see you as you come up to them.

Chinese Shar-Pei are very loyal to their families, and it takes them some time to adjust to a new environment. As a general rule, allow a dog anywhere from 3 to 7 days to adjust to a new environment. When introducing yourself to a Shar-Pei, it is not a good idea to stare them directly into the eyes. To a guard dog this is a threatening stance, and puts them on guard. A much better way to approach a Shar-Pei is to put your hand out by their nose, and let them smell you first. Watch the tail. If the tail is wagging, then you are accepted. If the tail is down, then do not approach the dog any further as they are not ready to accept you. 

Talk to them in a friendly voice, and wait for the tail to come up before you approach the dog any further. If the tail doesn’t come up, try offering them some treats while you talk to them. Keep an eye on the tail, as that is a good indication as to whether you are accepted or not. Once you have won the trust of a Shar-Pei, you will have a loyal friend for life.

You may encounter a Chinese Shar Pei with an ear infection. You can usually tell by looking at the dog. The natural placement of the Shar-Pei’s ears is on the top of the head with the tip of the triangle of the ear pointing towards the eyes. When they have ear infections, the ears hang down lower, and point more towards the ground. A dog with an ear infection needs to have that taken care of, as it causes the dog some discomfort. There can also be a noticeable smell coming from the ears of a dog with an infection. To clear up the infection, clean the ears with a good cleaner, such as Nolvasan Otic or DermaPet Ear Cleanser. Once the ears are clean, a twice daily treatment with Tresaderm…..5 drops in each infected ear….. for several days will usually clear it up.

Another problem that you may encounter with a Chinese Shar-Pei is entropian of the eye lids. The eye lids are turned in towards the eyeball so that the lashs are rubbing against the eyeball and this can cause a lot of discomfort to the dog. An untrained people can see this problem by looking at the eyes. There is very often squinting of the eyes. Tears can be coming from the eyes, as well as a discharge. Depending on how severe the problem is, you can treat it with Lacrilube or an antibiotic eye ointment several times a day. If the problem is very severe it will need corrective surgery to fix the problem.

Chinese Shar-Pei have nails that grow very fast. If you see a dog with trimmed nails, it is a pretty good indication that the dog belongs to someone that would like them back. It is also a good indication that the dog has a good temperament. Generally Chinese Shar-Pei do not like to have their nails trimmed. The most common way that they show this is to try to get out of your grip, or to keep moving their leg so you can’t cut the nail. It takes some training to get a Shar-Pei used to having his nails clipped. As a general rule, a Shar-Pei should have their nails clipped and their ears cleaned once a week.

Another characteristic feature of the Chinese Shar Pei is a blueblack tongue. If a dog does not have the blue-black tongue, there is a chance that it may not be a pure-breed Shar-Pei. Some pure-breed Shar-Pei may have pink spots on their tongues, but you should not see a solid pink tongue. The lighter colored dogs such as apricot, cream, and even the chocolate color are dilutes, and their tongues may appear lighter in color, especially when they are hot. The dilutes may have lighter colored eyes, and instead of dark brown, they may have a green color to them.

A very experienced Shar-Pei person could make a judgment on temperament of a dog quickly. However if you are not a very experienced person, I would allow a 3 day transition period for adjustment, before you make a decision on the temperament of the dog. Almost all Chinese Shar-Pei can make the adjustment from one family to another, but since they are very loyal family dogs, they need to be allowed time to make the adjustment. Once the adjustment is made, you will have a very loyal pet. If you are trying to make a judgment on the temperament of a Shar-Pei and are not very experienced with them, it might be best to call a local club and have a member come make the judgment for you. Usually you will find that most local clubs are more than willing to do that, if you will give them the chance.

This is written to give you a quick guide to the Chinese Shar-Pei. It is written mainly as a guide for Shelters to evaluate a dog that they may get in their program. It certainly is not a comprehensive guide. It is suggested that you use this guide for a quick evaluation. It is also recommended that you call the local club to have a knowledgeable person come out an make an evaluation if you have any doubts as to breed or temperament.

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