Potter Cairn Rescue Network was formed to rescue purebred Cairn
Terriers and Cairn Terrier mixes. CPCRN facilitates the pick-up and
transport of these dogs, arranges for their spay/neuter in addition to
other appropriate veterinary care, rehabs and fosters and then seeks
applications and screens permanent "forever
Cairn TerrierAttack Video
My dog is a cairn terrier and her name is lucy, what i like about this
breed is they all have thier own personality my dog lucy is very loyal
and kind, she doesn't always listen when i say "come here lucy" but
thats when we are outside because she is so adventours and she likes to
chase after rabbits but she doesnt plan on killing one, i know that
because she almost got a rabbit but instead of attacking it she turned
around she is so funny and she is a little confident dog i love her!
Cairn TerrierVideo. The Adventures of Toto our 5 month old Cairn Terrier. Here he puts Robo Dog in his place
Cairn Terrier. The cairn terrier shows what makes him special Video
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