• A Bill for the suppression of the practice was introduced into the British House of Commons in 1802, but was defeated by 13 votes, and it was not till the year 1835 that it was finally put down by Act of Parliament, called the Cruelty to Animals Act 1835
  • The Bulldog shoulders should be muscular, very heavy, widespread and slant outward, giving stability and great power. The elbows should be low and stand well out and loose from the body. The forelegs should be short, very stout, straight and muscular
  • Bulldogs and Terriers were developed in the British Isles. Both breeds became increasingly popular around the start of the 16th century when hunting was a major form of entertainment.
  • The Bullmastiff typically has a powerful build, symmetrical, showing great strength, sound and active. A well socialised animal will be high spirited, alert and faithful.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Black Russian Terrier Breed Standard and Pictures

The Black Russian Terrier developed by the former Russian Red Army to guard military installations etc which required a dog able to work independently and to withstand various climatic conditions. The breed was created by crossing the Airedale, Giant Schnauzer and the Rottweiler. The Giant Schnauzer for its intelligence and quick reactions; the Airedale for its leadership, temperament and stamina; the Rottweiler for its firm stature and fearlessness. The Giant Schnauzer contributed the most to its appearance. 

The size of the Black Russian Terriers is a larger than an average dog. Black Russian Terriers are strong, with massive bone structure and welldeveloped muscles. The skin is tight and elastic, without any folds or dewlap. Physical Appearance Sturdy and robust. Black Russian Terriers of this breed are assertive, wary of strangers and resistant; they adjust easily to different climates. The Black Russian Terrier must yield to training. Black Russian Terriers temperament Extremely energetic [vigorous], strong, stable temperament but very lively, with strong defense reactions. Black Russian Terrier Size 66 – 72 cm (26 - 28 inches) at the withers, Bitches 64 – 70 cm (25- 27 inches) at the withers. Male Black Russian Terriers are of greater size [more imposing size], more masculine and more massive [stronger] than bitches. The proportion of the length of the body to
the height at the withers is between 100-105% of the height at the withers. 

Black Russian Terrier Body Chest Roomy, deep, with well sprung ribs, reaching to the level of the elbows or slightly below. Withers: high, clearly marked above the topline. Back: straight, wide and muscular. Loins: short, wide, muscular and slightly arched. Rump: wide, muscular, with a barely visible slope towards the tail. Abdomen: rising above the lower line of the chest.

Black Russian Terrier Head
Long with moderately narrow skull with well rounded cheekbones. Forehead: is flat. Stop: is marked but not too pronounced. Muzzle: is parallel with the topline of the skull. The muzzle is strong, slightly tapering. The length of the muzzle is slightly less than the length of the skull. The moustache and the beard give the muzzle a truncated and square appearance. Lips: are thick and full. The upper lip fits tightly to the line of the lower jaw without forming flews (without looseness). Eyes: Small, oval shaped, slanted, dark in colour. Ears: attached high on the head, hanging straight down from the base, small and triangular in shape. The front rim of the ear hangs down against the cheekbones. Mouth: Teeth strong and white in colour, closely positioned. The incisors are positioned in one line; scissor bite.

Black Russian Terrier Coat & Colour
Coat: Rough, hard, ample and extremely dense. The seemingly broken coat is between 4-10 cm (1-4 inches) in length and covers the entire body. On the muzzle, the coat forms a rough, brushy moustache on the upper lip and a beard on the lower lip. Above the eyes, the eyebrows are rough and bristled. On the neck and the withers, the coat is longer and forms a mane. The forelegs, down to the elbows, and the hindlegs, down to the thighs, are covered by a rough and long coat. The undercoat is dense and well-developed. Black Russian Terrier Colour: Black or black with grey hairs.

Black Russian Terrier Neck
Long, powerful, lean, set at a 40-45 degree angle to the topline.

Black Russian Terrier Forequarters
Seen from the front, the legs are straight and parallel. The angle of the shoulder-blade with the upper arm is approximately 110 degrees. Elbows must point backwards. The upper arms are short and strong. The pasterns are short and straight.

Black Russian Terrier HindquartersSeen from behind, the legs are straight and parallel, but set slightly wider apart than the front legs. Upper thighs: are muscular and well developed. Lower thighs: are long and set obliquely. Hock joints: are lean and well developed. Rear pasterns strong, long and almost vertical. Feet: Fore and Hind Thick, with well arched pads, rounded in shape.

Black Russian Terrier Tail 
Set high, thick and preferably docked. If docked short, leaving 3 to 4 vertebrae.

Black Russian Terrier Gait
Easy, harmonious and effortless A short [non overreaching] trot or gallop are the most typical gaits. When trotting, the legs must move in a straight line, with the front legs converging slightly towards a median line. The back and loin have an elastic, springy movement.

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