• A Bill for the suppression of the practice was introduced into the British House of Commons in 1802, but was defeated by 13 votes, and it was not till the year 1835 that it was finally put down by Act of Parliament, called the Cruelty to Animals Act 1835
  • The Bulldog shoulders should be muscular, very heavy, widespread and slant outward, giving stability and great power. The elbows should be low and stand well out and loose from the body. The forelegs should be short, very stout, straight and muscular
  • Bulldogs and Terriers were developed in the British Isles. Both breeds became increasingly popular around the start of the 16th century when hunting was a major form of entertainment.
  • The Bullmastiff typically has a powerful build, symmetrical, showing great strength, sound and active. A well socialised animal will be high spirited, alert and faithful.

Friday, February 10, 2012

American Eskimo Dog Information Review

Also called as Eskie, the American Eskimo Dog is a breed of Spitz type and that has been developed in the United States. It came from the Nordic line of dog breeds and is often utilized as a sled dog, doing tasks such as pulling heavy luggage across snow and ice. This breed is often mistaken for a German Spitz, and although they share the same ancestors, they have been developed separately for over 100 years now. There are three varieties of the American Eskimo Dog or Eskie and these are the Toy, Miniature and Standard varieties. The heights of these dogs are as follows: toy- 9 to 12 inches, miniature- 12 to 15 inches, and standard- 15 to 19 inches. An Eskie that falls below or exceeds above the 9 inches to 19 inches limit is considered as a disqualification by the breed standard.

American Eskimo Dog Temperament  

American Eskimo Dog Pictures and Wallpaper

The American Eskimo Dog body is of compact build and is slightly longer than it is tall. It has a double coat that is both water and weather resistant. The ears are small and erect and are cold resistant as well, while the neck is heavy with dense coat all over creating a look that is like a lion. Its hind legs and rump are also covered with dense and lush coat while its tail is plume and sways freely on the back. White or white with biscuit cream are the only acceptable colors for this breed although reap stains are not considered as faults. American Eskimo Dog Grooming for this dog requires brushing and combing twice daily but during its seasonal shedding, it's going to need more than just twice a week of grooming.

In the US and Canada, the American Eskimo Dog is being considered as a superb house companion and a family pet. It is observed as very protective dog and it feigns to become a part of its human family. Since it barks as a signal that a stranger is approaching, the Eskie also makes a good watchdog. The American Eskimo Dog is an intelligent dog that is very easy to train, highly active, eager to please and free-spirited. It has a tendency to be aloof if it is not properly exposed to people. To avoid this, early socialization and obedience training is necessary and this can include joining dog shows, flyball and dance training.

Because this dog is highly energetic, it means that it has excessive energy that needs to be utilized in order to keep him healthy mentally and physically. He must be brought out for daily exercise and the intensity should depend on its size. Although active and protective, the Eskie, won't attack or bite on impulse unless it is being provoked.

Today's American Eskimo Dog has developed from breeds such as the larger German Spitz, Italian Spitz, Volpino Italiano and many more. These parent breeds came to the US in the early 1900s together with their European immigrant masters. In 1919, this breed was first recorded to be the American Eskimo dog in the American United Kennel Club; in 1995, the American Kennel Club officially acknowledged it as a member.

The American Eskimo Dog, a loving companion dog, presents a picture of strength and agility, alertness and beauty. It is a small to medium-size Nordic type dog, always white, or white with biscuit cream. The American Eskimo Dog comes in three distinct sizes: Toy (9-12 inches); Miniature (12-15 inches); and Standard (15-19 inches). Originally called the American Spitz, the breed was not fully recognized and placed in the Non-Sporting Group until 1995. A loving companion dog, the "Eskie" presents a picture of strength and agility, alertness and beauty. It is very intelligent and friendly. At home it is an excellent watchdog, sounding a warning bark to announce the arrival of strangers. It is protective of its home and family, although it does not threaten to bite or attack people.

American  Eskimo Dogs are a wonderful breed and great choice for a family pet! They are cute, lovable, spry, healthy and athletic. They are both very friendly and intelligent. They are a good breed for most people and have very few if any faults. They are a small to medium sized breed, Much, much bigger than a toy breed, but smaller than retrievers. American Eskimos are not from Alaska, they are not from North or South America, and they are not related to the husky breeds!!!!  In fact they are from Germany originally, and are related to both the Pomeranian and Spitz breeds. The American Eskimo Dog is a fairly new breed which was first recognized by the AKC in 1994.

American Eskimos are quite healthy. Their lifespan is variable ranging from 12 to 17 years. Things to look out for are orthopedic problems affecting the rear legs, including hip dysplasia, luxated patellas and cruciate injuries. Eye problems are occasionally a concern. And like many breeds they are prone to allgergic skin diesease. 

 The American Eskimo is a great dog for many types of people. As a relatively small dog they are suitable for apartment dwelling as long as they are exercised vigorously and regularly. As an athletic dog they are also well suited to both a subururban and a rural lifestyle. They are friendly, smart and lovable so they add alot to family life. They tend to be more loyal than the average dog, and are good watchdogs. Care must be taken in introducing them to strangers as they can have a tendency to be too protective. Discipline and exercise will be very important if you choose this breed. Brushing and grooming is also essential given their long coat. The American Eskimo is a versatile dog and good choice due to its small size, big personality , and good health!

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