• A Bill for the suppression of the practice was introduced into the British House of Commons in 1802, but was defeated by 13 votes, and it was not till the year 1835 that it was finally put down by Act of Parliament, called the Cruelty to Animals Act 1835
  • The Bulldog shoulders should be muscular, very heavy, widespread and slant outward, giving stability and great power. The elbows should be low and stand well out and loose from the body. The forelegs should be short, very stout, straight and muscular
  • Bulldogs and Terriers were developed in the British Isles. Both breeds became increasingly popular around the start of the 16th century when hunting was a major form of entertainment.
  • The Bullmastiff typically has a powerful build, symmetrical, showing great strength, sound and active. A well socialised animal will be high spirited, alert and faithful.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Chesapeake Bay Retriever Special Information

Chesapeake Bay Retriever is well proportioned, active worker with a strong muscular appearance. A distinctive oily, double coat, which is very important. Capable of working in adverse weather conditions, including ice and snow. courageous and keen worker with a great love of water. Independent, affectionate, but not extrovert with strangers, he makes a good guardian of home and family. Chesapeake Bay Retriever Broad and round with medium stop. Muzzle of similar length to skull, pointed but not sharp. Lips thin, not pendulous. Nostrils well developed. Nose and lips of colour to harmonise with coat. There should be a noticeable difference between the sexes.

Head: Skull broad and round with medium stop, nose medium, short muzzle, pointed but not sharp. Lips thin, not pendulous. Ears small, set well up on head, hanging loosely and of medium leather. Eyes medium large, very clear, of yellowish or amber colour and wide apart. Neck: Of medium length with a strong muscular appearance, tapering to shoulders. Shoulder, Chest and Body: Shoulders sloping and should have full liberty of action with plenty of power without any restrictions of movement. Chest strong, deep and wide. Barrel round and deep. Body of medium length, neither cobby nor roached, but rather approaching hollowness, flanks well tucked up.

Hindquarters and Stifles: Hindquarters should be as high or a trifle higher than the shoulders. They should show fully as much power as the forequarters. There should be no tendency to weakness in either fore or hindquarters. Hindquarters should be especially powerful to
supply the driving power for swimming. Back should be short, wellcoupled and powerful. Good hindquarters are essential. Stifles should be well-angulated. Legs, Elbows, Hocks and Feet: Legs should be medium length and straight, showing good bone and muscle, with well-webbed hare feet of good size. The toes well rounded and close, pasterns slightly bent and both pasterns and hocks medium length the straighter the legs the better, when viewed from front or rear. Dewclaws, if any, must be removed from the hind legs. Dewclaws on the forelegs may be removed.

Dewclaws on the hind legs are a very serious fault. Tail: Tail should extend to hock. It should be medium heavy at base. Moderate feathering on stern/tail permissible. Tail should be straight or
slightly curved. Tail should not curl over back or side kink. Coat and Texture: Coat should be thick and short, nowhere over 1.5 inches ( 3.75)long, with a dense fine woolly undercoat. Hair on face and legs should be very short and straight with tendency to wave on the shoulders, neck, back and loins only. The curly coat or coat with a tendency to curl not permissible.

The texture of the dog’s coat is very important, as the dog is used for hunting under all sorts of adverse weather conditions, often working in ice and snow. The oil in the harsh outer coat and woolly undercoat is of extreme value in preventing the cold water from reaching the dog’s skin
and aids in quick drying. A Chesapeake’s coat should resist the water in the same way that a duck’s feathers do. When he leaves the water and shakes himself, his coat should not hold the water at all, being merely moist. Colour and coat are extremely important as the dog is used for
duck hunting. The colour must be as nearly that of his surroundings as possible and with the fact that dogs are exposed to all kinds of adverse weather conditions, often working in ice and snow, the colour of coat and its texture must be given every consideration when judging on the
bench or in the ring.

Colour: Any colour varying from a dark brown to a faded tan or deadgrass. Deadgrass takes in any shade of deadgrass varying from a tan to a dull straw colour. White spot on breast, toes and belly permissible, but the smaller the spot the better. Solid and self-coloured dogs are preferred.
Weight: Males: 29.4 - 36.2 kgs (65 - 80 lb). Females: 24.9 - 31.7 kgs (55 - 70 lb). Height: Males: 58.4 - 66 cms (23 - 26 in). Females: 53.3 - 60.9 cms (21- 24 in). Oversized or undersized are to be severely penalised. Symmetry and Quality: The Chesapeake dog should show a bright and happy disposition and an intelligent expression, with general outlines impressive and denoting a good worker. The dog should be well proportioned, a dog with a good coat and well balanced in other points being preferable to the dog excelling in some but weak in others.

Courage, willingness to work, alertness, nose, intelligence, love of water, general quality, and, most of all, disposition, should be given primary consideration in the selection and breeding of the Chesapeake Bay dog.

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