• A Bill for the suppression of the practice was introduced into the British House of Commons in 1802, but was defeated by 13 votes, and it was not till the year 1835 that it was finally put down by Act of Parliament, called the Cruelty to Animals Act 1835
  • The Bulldog shoulders should be muscular, very heavy, widespread and slant outward, giving stability and great power. The elbows should be low and stand well out and loose from the body. The forelegs should be short, very stout, straight and muscular
  • Bulldogs and Terriers were developed in the British Isles. Both breeds became increasingly popular around the start of the 16th century when hunting was a major form of entertainment.
  • The Bullmastiff typically has a powerful build, symmetrical, showing great strength, sound and active. A well socialised animal will be high spirited, alert and faithful.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Papillon Dog Tips and Information

The origins of the Papillon or Papillon Dog are to be found in Belgium and France, as these toy spaniels were favourites among the royal courtiers of the 17th century. Indeed, it is rumoured that Marie Antoinette so loved her papillon that she took it with her to the guillotine. It seems likely that they were bred mainly for companionship, as their intelligent, placid nature suggests, but they are really quite adaptable. They are delicate creatures, but robust enough to enjoy long walks, though they don’t appreciate too much rough and tumble (so they don’t mix terribly well with small children and other large dogs). Just their general all-round compatibility. Papillons are not only great pets, they are used extensively in therapy for the elderly and infirm, and their intelligence marks them out for use as hearing dogs for the deaf. Some have even been known to work in mountain rescue. The more I’m finding out about them, the more I want one.


Very easy they Papillon Dog are not nearly as high-maintenance as their general comportment would suggest, and they are happy to go on long walks, but equally happy curling up in front of Antiques Roadshow. (This said, all dogs need at least a half-hour’s walk a day, though more is recommended, and they need comfortable bedding and shelter.) As with any Papillon dogs, certain health issues tend to affect some breeds more than others, and with these, as with most toy dogs, there is a tendency towards “patella luxation”, or dodgy kneecaps. In most cases, rest and relaxation is recommended, but in extreme cases, surgery is required.

Their coats are one of the most endearing traits about them soft to the touch, and requiring very little upkeep. For this reason, they are known as a “wash and wear” breed. Owners agree that papillons are a classic combination of pretty and well-presented, without being fussy and prone to bouts of neurosis. Must be down to centuries of careful breeding…You should contact an owners’ club, such as the South of England Papillon Club (southpapclub.co.uk), as they will have access to registered breeders of this rare beast, as well as lots of other valuable information.

Papillon Puppies

As one of the smallest pets we keep, hamsters are tricky creatures to catch and one of their favourite hobbies is trying to escape. Check his cage and make sure it’s secure. This is the first line of defence. The second tip is to always shut the door of the room in which the hamster is living. This way, if he escapes, you will have only one room to search, instead of the whole house.

If the unthinkable happens, you need to move quickly. Secure any other pets in the house, especially dogs and cats. On the first night, put the cage on the floor with the door open. He may just return home. Hamsters are nocturnal so they move around at night. This is the best time to catch them. They like warm, dark places, so start looking under the furniture, behind bookcases, in shoes, bags.

Papillon Dog

If you cannot find him or he doesn’t return home, you may have to consider trapping him. Get a pile of books and make them into steps, place a ruler on the top of the steps and a bucket underneath. For the hamster’s safety, put bedding at the bottom to cushion his fall. Sprinkle his favourite treat on the steps, on the ruler and put lots in the bucket. I suggest sunflower seeds. Hopefully he will follow the trail and end up in the bucket.

As a back-up plan, if he doesn’t go for this, sieve flour around the area so that you can see where he’s coming from. And as a last resort, you may have to purchase a humane mouse trap (which doesn’t in any way hurt the animal). Put his favourite treats in, place it along the wall and he’ll probably run in there. Check every hour. Good luck and with any luck you will never have to use these tips!

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