• A Bill for the suppression of the practice was introduced into the British House of Commons in 1802, but was defeated by 13 votes, and it was not till the year 1835 that it was finally put down by Act of Parliament, called the Cruelty to Animals Act 1835
  • The Bulldog shoulders should be muscular, very heavy, widespread and slant outward, giving stability and great power. The elbows should be low and stand well out and loose from the body. The forelegs should be short, very stout, straight and muscular
  • Bulldogs and Terriers were developed in the British Isles. Both breeds became increasingly popular around the start of the 16th century when hunting was a major form of entertainment.
  • The Bullmastiff typically has a powerful build, symmetrical, showing great strength, sound and active. A well socialised animal will be high spirited, alert and faithful.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Boxer Dog Top 5 Training Tips

I’m sure most of you have been desperately trying to figure out how to train your boxer, so I thought I'd give you a kick start with 5 of my favorite training tips that you need to know if you want to make training your boxer Boxer simple, easy and fun without all the stress and frustration that is associated with behavioral Boxer Dog Training. Now don't' get me wrong, training your Boxer still requires dedication, effort and patience but not knowing these 5 crucial steps is like trying to bake bread not knowing how to start a fire! Let me show you:

1. Get Your Boxer Dog's Attention
I often hear of people who try to train their boxers say things such as "but I cant even get my dogs attention let alone get him to listen to me" It amazes me how many people overlook this and try to train their boxer when it's not even paying attention to them to begin with. A simple way to do this is to simply reward your Boxer Dog when its paying attention to you, a simple treat works wonders and you'll find you can have him paying attention to you in no time using this method.

2. Praise Your Boxer
One of the most effective, simplest and most overlooked methods to training your boxer is that of praise. Praising your boxer when he does something right is a way to help him associate your actions and the tone of your voice with what he has done whether good or bad. Give your dog plenty of praise when he does something right and you will notice a difference quicker than you think.

3. Reprimanding
When it comes to successful and effective dog behavior training, giving a stern reprimand is just as important as offering plenty of praise as both are required to complete your dog's association between your tone of voice and his behavior. People come to me all the time with the issue that they just feel too horrible when they tell their dog off and they shy away from it. This is not good as if a dog is not told when he has done something wrong, then he will continue to do it knowing no different. You need to reprimand when needed to make all this work.

Now, just to clear something up that is not always understood so well, to reprimand does not mean hitting your dog! This is totally wrong and will not help your dog behavior training at all. Instead, any time your dog is engaging in bad behavior, use the opportunity to teach him the 'stop!' or 'no!' command. Using the 'stay!' command can also be effective in these situations and is a good example of a reprimand with a positive purpose.

4. The Correct Boxer Dog Behavior Training Tools 
It's no good trying to train your Boxer dog if you don't have the necessary tools and supplies to do the job, you wouldn't really try to train a Boxer dog to obey your 'sit' commands without taking him out on a lead for a while would you? No, of course you wouldn't and it's another key factor in any successful dog behavior training program. If you have a well behaved dog, then a 6 ft lead and a regular collar will easily suffice and will do the job nicely.

However if you have a boxer that is slightly more uncontrollable and unpredictable, then you should use a special training collar. You also need to make sure the collar is the right size (an uncomfortable dog is much less likely to play ball!) which you can do by measuring the dogs' neck and adding about 2 inches, this should give a pretty good estimate of which collar you need to buy for your Boxer dog.

5. Consistency Is Key 
Don't rush training your boxer. Trying to fill a dog's head with too much information will more than likely end up working against you just in the same way a child would trying to learn the entirety of a subject in just one lesson, it doesn't work. Teach your boxer one command at a time and don't move on until he gets it, keep at it and persistence will pay off. Well there we go, I have listed the 5 most important and most essential tips you will probably ever learn when it comes to successful dog behavior training. So please take them on board and make sure they are a firm part of your Boxeer dog behavior training program today and you will see dramatic improvement in your dog's behavior and how quickly your Boxer dog's behavior training improves.

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