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American Water Spaniel |
American Water Spaniel Temperament of amicable disposition; demeanor indicates intelligence, strength, and endurance.
American Water Spaniel Size Height: 15-18 inches (38-46 cm) at the shoulder. Weight: Males, 28-45 lb. (13-20 kg); Females, 25-40 lb. (11-18 kg).
American Water Spaniel Coat and Colour : The coat should be closely curled or have marcel effect and should be of sufficient density to be of protection against weather, water, or punishing cover, yet not coarse. Legs should have medium-short, curly feather. Colour solid liver or dark chocolate, a little white on toes or chest permissible.
American Water Spaniel Head is Moderate in length, Skull rather broad and full, stop moderately defined, but not too pronounced. Forehead covered with short smooth hair and without tuft or topknot. Muzzle of medium length, square and with no inclination to snipiness. Jaws strong and of good length, and neither undershot nor overshot. Teeth straight and well shaped. Nose sufficiently wide and with well-developed nostrils to ensure good scenting power. Eyes hazel, brown or of dark tone to harmonize with coat; set well apart. Expression alert, attractive, intelligent. Ears lobular, long and wide, not set too high on head, but slightly above the eyeline. Leather extending to end of nose and well covered with close curls.
American Water Spaniel Neck Round and of medium length, strong and muscular, free of throatiness, set to carry head with dignity, but arch not accentuated.
American Water Spaniel Forequarters Shoulders sloping, clean, and muscular. Legs of medium length and well boned, but not so short as to handicap for field work. Forelegs powerful and reasonably straight.
American Water Spaniel Body is Well developed, sturdily constructed but not too compactly coupled. Gener al outline is a symmetrical relationship of parts. Well-sprung ribs. Strong loins, lightly arched; and well-furnished deep brisket but not excessively broad.
American Water Spaniel Hindquarters is Hind legs firm with suitably bent stifles and strong hocks well let down. Feet to harmonize with size of dog. Toes closely grouped and well padded.
American Water Spaniel Tail is Moderate in length, curved in a slightly rocker shape, carried slightly below level of back; tapered and covered with hair to tip, action lively.
American Water Spaniel Faults is Coat too straight, soft, fine, or tightly kinked. Very flat skull, narrow across the top, long slender or snipey muzzle. Cow-hocks. Rat or shaved tail.
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